

Monday, August 13, 2012

A busy week

This week is insanely busy for me. I have a camp sleepover tomorrow, an awards day on Wednesday, a color war going on all week, and an Alice in Wonderland themed Black Tie Gala on Thursday. Then, the culmination of color war is Friday and then it's all over and I can finally breathe. I haven't really been home the past few days and haven't hugged my  mom in awhile. I miss her!

Today, I had a rough day at work. I woke up in the morning feeling AWFUL and also convinced that I had TSS. Because I'm an insane hypochondriac. I went to a meeting where my boss yelled at me, because he likes to blame things on me. Sounds like an odd working relationship (read, why do I still have a job if everything is my fault?), but I was his teen when he ran the teen program so he's basically like a big brother that I cannot stand to be around 85% of the time. When we're not at work, he's a great friend. At work, he's a bit nutso.

Anyway, I got yelled at and then I worked all day. At the end of the day, I got to do some fun stuff, which was cut out and paint decorations for the gala. We made two knights and a Cheshire cat. I had nothing to do with the Cheshire cat--my talented co-worker Liz did that on her own! But I love my knight. Isn't he cute?

After that, I went to Dolly's, which is this delicious ices place that I've been obsessed with since I was a little kid. I went with my friends Alla, Becky, David and Danny. It's a really odd mix of friends for me. Alla is my best friend who I've known since the 6th grade. I was on decent terms with Becky for a few years, but didn't really speak to her until this year. David and I have been really good work buddies for a few years but have never hung out outside of work. And Danny I've known for 2 years but have not breathed more than a hello to in those 2 years. But I had an awesome time, honestly. It was a great end to my day.

That's about all. Hope everyone is well!


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